यूट्यूब whatsapp video - yootyoob whatsapp vidaio

YouTube Shorts इन दिनों काफी ज्यादा पॉपुलर हो रहे हैं. TikTok के बैन होने के बाद से YouTube Shorts और Instagram Reels पर यूजर्स की तादाद काफी ज्यादा बढ़ी है. ऐसे में कई बार आपको कुछ YouTube Shorts काफी ज्यादा पसंद आते होंगे और आप उन्हें डाउनलोड करके रखना चाहते होंगे. 

ना सिर्फ डाउनलोड बल्कि आप उन्हें WhatsApp Status पर भी शेयर करना चाहते होंगे, लेकिन ऐसा कोई ऑप्शन नहीं मिलता है. अगर आप वॉट्सऐप स्टेटस में किसी YouTube Shorts को शेयर करते हैं, तो सिर्फ उसका लिंक जाता है. वो वीडियो नजर नहीं आता है. इसके लिए आपको थोड़ी मशक्कत करनी होगी. आइए जानते हैं आप ऐसा कैसे कर सकते हैं.

कैसे डाउनलोड होंगे YouTube Shorts? 

अगर आप एक एंड्रॉयड यूजर हैं, तो सबसे पहले आपको YouTube Apps पर जाना होगा. अगले स्टेप में आपको उस शॉर्ट वीडियो को सलेक्ट करना होगा, जिसे आप डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं. यहां आपको शेयर बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा और फिर Link Copy पर क्लिक करना होगा. 

अब एंड्रॉयड यूजर्स को shortsnoob.com पर जाना होगा. यूजर्स यहां Copy URL को पेस्ट करना होगा और सर्च बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा. यहां आपको डाउनलोड का ऑप्शन मिलेगा, जिस पर क्लिक करके आप अपने पसंद के वीडियो को डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. आप इस ऐप को प्ले स्टोर से भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. 

वहीं अगर आप एक iOS यूजर हैं, तो आपको ytshorts.savetube.me पर जाना होगा और कॉपी URL को पेस्ट करना होगा. इसके बाद आपको Get Video का ऑप्शन मिल जाएगा. इस पर क्लिक करके आप YouTube Shorts को डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. 

WhatsApp Stauts पर ऐसे कर सकते हैं शेयर

वॉट्सऐप स्टेटस पर YouTube Shorts को शेयर करने के लिए आपको कुछ स्टेप फॉलो करने होंगे. सबसे पहले आपको वॉट्सऐप में स्टेटस के ऑप्शन पर जाना होगा. यहां आपको + बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा. अब आपके सामने कई ऑप्शन आ जाएंगे, जिसके बाद आपको उस ऑप्शन को सलेक्ट करना होगा, जिसे आप अपलोड करना चाहते हैं. इस तरह से आप WhatsApp Status पर YouTube Videos लगा सकते हैं.

If you want to put YouTube Video in iPhone as your WhatsApp status you have definitely come across the right article. In this article we will show you how to put youtube video on whatsapp status in iphone.

Although WhatsApp is not a social network, yet it lets users’ stories just as we have in Facebook or Instagram. These stories or status updates can be photos, videos, GIFs, texts, and links which can be put up for twenty-four hours after which it gets deleted.

Now there are some users who want to put up their favourite YouTube videos as Status updates. This can be easily done in mainly two ways:

  • Posting the YouTube link.
  • Placing the video directly in the status.

I will discuss each of them in detail for the users:

  • Go to the YouTube App on your Smartphone.
  • Select the video and then click the share option.
  • Tap on the WhatsApp option in the Share section.
  • You will be directed to the WhatsApp My Status option on the top of the screen.
  • Click on “My Status” and then proceed by clicking on the green arrow at the bottom of the screen.
  • After you click on the green arrow it will take you to the status page where you can customize the background as you wish.
  • You can customize by changing the background colours, images and add emojis etc.
  • Finally, tap on the green arrow icon to post the status to your contacts.

2. Placing the video directly in the status.

This is another option where the user can download the video from YouTube and then share it as a WhatsApp Status. Natively with YouTube it is not possible to download the video. This can be done with some of the websites which allow the users to download the video with your smartphone browser.

The user can also download the videos through his or her PC and then transfer them to the phone. Currently with the status feature it is not possible to share any video more than thirty seconds. So, the user must be aware that only a snippet of the video as a status.

Below I have laid down few simple steps on how to add the YouTube video in your iPhone as a WhatsApp status:

  • Open WhatsApp and then click on the status tab.
  • Select the My Status option.
  • Choose the video from the gallery that you want to set.
  • Next you will see the message that only thirty seconds of the video can be posted.
  • Adjust the markers into the portion of the video that you want to post.
  • You can add some text, emojis etc.
  • Lastly click on the green arrow on the bottom right corner of the screen to post the video as your status.

Conclusion :-

That’s it. You are done. So basically, these are the two ways by which you can update your status with a video in your iPhone. Hope this article on how to put youtube video on whatsapp status in iphone helps you.

By India Today Web Desk: After the lockdown, the usage of social media apps has been increased drastically. WhatsApp, back in 2017, introduced 24-hour disappearing Statues on its platform. The disappearing status allows WhatsApp users to share videos, images and even GIFs with their family and friends.

Nowadays sharing YouTube links on WhatsApp status is quite popular. Now, if you don't have any idea about how to share your YouTube video links on WhatsApp Status, you can make use of this information as a reference.

Here is a step by step guide you can follow to share a YouTube link on WhatsApp status.

You can follow the below-given steps for both Android and iOS devices to share YouTube video as WhatsApp status.

Step 1: Open YouTube on your device.

Step 2: Open a particular video you want to share on WhatsApp.

Step 3: Next tap Share, located just below the video.

Step 4: Several options will appear on the screen, choose WhatsApp and then Share on Status.

This is the most time-saving way to share a YouTube video on WhatsApp. Apart from the above-given steps you can also copy YouTube video link and paste the URL directly to your WhatsApp. Here are the steps you can follow.

Steps you can follow to copy YouTube link and share on WhatsApp status.

Step 1: Open YouTube on your device.

Step 2: Open a particular video you want to share on WhatsApp.

Step 3: Next tap Copy link.

Step 4: Now open your WhatsApp and go to the Status page.

Step 5: Tap the Pencil icon, paste the URL.

Note: WhatsApp will automatically recognize the content and show a small preview of the content.

Step 6: At last tap Share.

You can follow the above steps to put the YouTube link on your WhatsApp Status. If you are not able to share the YouTube link to WhatsApp then you can download the video and then upload YouTube Videos on WhatsApp. Different software is available through which you can easily download the videos from YouTube to your device and then share it on WhatsApp status.